The ASBL Podcast with Lloyd Chapman and Bruce de Torres

ALB 8. Demand Compliance


ALB 8. Demand Compliance
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Demand Compliance with the Small Business Act of 1953. 23% of Federal Contracts are Supposed to go to Small Businesses. Instead, 97% Goes to Big Businesses.

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99.9% of American firms – 34 million – are small businesses. 

98% have 100 or less employees.

87% have 20 or less.

The average company has 10 employees.

The federal government is anti-small business. The law says 23% of federal contracts – around $350 Billion annually – is supposed to go to small businesses. Instead, 97% goes to one-tenth of one percent, the biggest companies, and small businesses get only 3%. This is an outrage on par with the JFK assassination, the inside job of 9/11, and the crime against humanity that was the tyranny imposed in the name of Covid-19 and the injuries and deaths caused by the shots.

Only one government agency works for our small businesses, the Small Business Administration. Its main function is to steer 23% of federal contracts to our small businesses. But it has been gutted year after year by presidents of both parties. They have sought to close it. It is, in essence, non-existent. Its budget was bigger in 1981 than it is today. Its budget should be one of the biggest, not the smallest.

Why is this so? Because Fortune 500 companies basically own Congress. They want every penny that the government spends. For 40 years, the Pentagon and its contractors have aggressively tried to repeal the 1953 Small Business Act, which mandates that small businesses are supposed to get 23% of federal contracts.

Trump, in his first term, cut the SBA budget. He did nothing in his first term to directly benefit small businesses. He can fairly be called anti-small business.

Lloyd Chapman is Founder and President of the American Small Business League (, working to protect the interests of our nation's 33 million small businesses. His goal is to stop the diversion of federal small business contracts to large corporations. See the special project at Follow Lloyd at

Bruce de Torres is author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free (read the amazing reviews at, marketing director at ("Books that challenge official history...because it matters”), and host of REALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRES.