The ASBL Podcast with Lloyd Chapman and Bruce de Torres

ALB 5. Kris Millegan: Books That Challenge Official History … Because It Matters


ALB 5. Kris Millegan: Books That Challenge Official History … Because It Matters
On Vimeo, Rumble, and the usual audio platforms 

Show notes:

Kris Millegan, publisher at, has published 170 books since 2002, not only Bruce’s book (GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK) but also such titles as:

BARRY ‘N THE BOYS: The CIA, The Mob, and America’s Secret History (about CIA pilot and drug smuggler Barry Seal) by Daniel Hopsicker.

AMERICA’S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Anthony Sutton.

THE TRUE STORY OF THE BILDERBERG GROUP, the international best-seller by Daniel Estulin.

And ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: The Sordid Union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein by Whitney Webb.

Lloyd described how he has been censored for decades and asked Kris about censorship. TrineDay books have been suppressed. Kris’ content used to appear as page-one results on Google. Then Google’s algorithms changed and started keeping his content far from page one.

Both Lloyd and Kris had fathers who worked for the CIA and told them things when they were young that blew their minds. Kris’ father told him in 1969, “The Vietnam war is about drugs. There are these secret societies behind it. They’re playing out a ‘lose’ scenario. And communism’s just a sham. These same secret societies are behind it, too. To them it’s all just a big game.”

Kris took on conspiracy theory as an intellectual discipline. It’s a very wide field. It took him 20 years to understand the many things his father told him.

By the 1990s Kris was running an email list called CIA Drugs through which he met investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker, who had a book in New York City that no one would publish. Eventually Kris suggested that they create that book on Kris’ computer in 2002. BARRY ‘N THE BOYS is about CIA pilot and drug smuggler Barry Seal.

Then Antony Sutton told Kris that his AMERICA’S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT was going to go out of print, and Kris said, “Antony, that can’t happen.” So, he published that, too, and then it grew from there.

“During the pandemic,” Kris told us, “Amazon didn’t buy any books at all for a couple of months. But people were at home, and we do retail from our website [] and our wholesale went way down but our retail went up and more people discovered us.”

ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL by Whitney Webb is TrineDay’s best-selling book. It’s about honey traps, blackmail, and the networks that gave rise to pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Kris described the journey that begins when you discover things behind the scenes, realities that contradict and nullify what is sold to us as official reality.

For instance, Skull and Bones members in the late 1800s fomented the illegalization of drugs in order to make fortunes through drug trafficking for personal power, the corruption of government officials, and clandestine intelligence operations.

A very good book, NATIONAL SECURITY AND DOUBLE GOVERNMENT by Michael J. Glennon (Oxford University Press), shows how the collaboration between intelligence, corporations, and criminal gangs have become a stronger power than our traditional government and have used that power to hoodwink everyone.

An amazing curriculum is Kris’ podcast, THE JOURNEY, at and the usual audio platforms. 165 conversations with TrineDay authors about their books covering all these topics and more.

Lloyd Chapman is Founder and President of the American Small Business League (, working to protect the interests of our nation's 33 million small businesses. His goal is to stop the diversion of federal small business contracts to large corporations. See the special project at Follow Lloyd at

Bruce de Torres is author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and Th